Looking for a room for March.
I have a cat (he's not super friendly with other cats, but I can always keep him in my room).
I am 26 and wfh, but I enjoy working outside of my living space about half the time.
I'm lgbtq+, I am pretty laid back.
I really enjoy time in nature, music, video games, movies, language learning (currently learning Japanese), writing, adventuring, trying out all types of food, 420.
I'm respectful as a roommate, I make an effort to clean after myself in shared spaces, I'm not loud or disruptive, into heavy drugs or drinking, and I lean left politically.
My major desires in a place are: Cat friendly, own bathroom, laundry (or somewhere around the block), sublets allowed, a good kitchen, and people I can get along with and some some similar interests with.
I'm pretty open to options though.
My budget is $2k under, but I'd prefer to pay $1700 or less.
Neighborhoods I'm interested in: Russian/Nob Hill, Haight-Ashbury, Twin Peaks, Outer Sunset, Bernal Heights, and Excelsior.
Not exclusive to any of these though.
Please send an e-mail if interested.
If you have a discord or facebook we can connect there.