Hi there my name is Shaheena and I am currently working part time as an after school children’s chess/math teacher and I also nanny/teach speech to an autistic toddler every night starting at 730pm except saturdays.
The chess/math job is m,t,w,f usually starting around 3 except on tuesday’s i start at 2:15 the classes are 1-2 hours long.
i’m not much of a morning person but i do need a 3rd income as i will be moving soon and will have a much higher rent.
i have many talents and have experience in almost every type of field.
some of my strong skills are writing, art, organizing, decorating, social media management, content creating, photography, unbelievable cooking, driving (have own car) teaching (cooking, english, art, math, chess, poker, billiards) I’m amazing with kids and a very creative person all around.
i’m down to earth, polite and have a bubbly personality that most enjoy to be around.
i’m great over the phone with customers or even just to talk to.
i’ve had many strangers feel they can trust to speak to me randomly about personal problems because i have a comfort in me that others can sense.
As mentioned, i’m not much of a morning person as i tend to sleep late/am a night owl so i’m looking for work that is either able to start the earliest at 10/11am and would just need to be off about 30 minutes before my next shift (chess) or i can have a couple hours in between my chess job and my nanny job or a late night job starting at 10pm.
of course we can talk about the hours more if we find i might be a good fit for your needs.
thank you look forward in hearing from you.
ATTENTION SCAMMERS/PERVS: Don’t waste my time or yours! i’m not dumb i’m very smart and know about all the stupid scams out there! i’m also NOT a prostitute and will never do any type of sexual favors for ANY amount of money!! so dont even try! thank you!!!